Install full Microsoft Office for FREE
Install full Microsoft Office for FREE Looking for: Microsoft Office (bit) Download - Microsoft 365 Click here to DOWNLOAD Download Office Professional Plus bit in english - You Windows World I purchased Office online. When I was downloading and installing it, there was no selection in My Account for me to select 64 bit version of Office. Could you please let rree know how I can install the 64 bit version? Tried in IE and Chrome on 2 different computers. Screen shot included. It always installs 32 bit. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thank you Ron. The reason is: I 213 developing software for a client company which only deploys 64 bit Office. So I do not have a choice. They also have had this exact same problem, but did not get it resolved. When looking in the software after it installs it does indeed say it is retail Office32 bit. I microzoft never see any page on the Microsoft site that gives me the 64 bit option. If y...